waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry. call I'm desperate for your voice, listening to the song we used to sing. in the car, do you remember?

didn't you want to hear , the sound of all the places we could go. Do you fear ? The expressions on the faces we don't know , it's a cold hard road when you wake up. And I don't think that I, have the strength to let you go. Do you?

Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie.

åhåkej. En hel dag på behrn, fjärde våningen + god mat. Nu spelas kings of leon och snart tvspel! ccccciao
our promising lives are full of empty promises, temptations falling and calling you home again. Well I'm sorry if we've let you down.

I still feel you and the taste of cigarettes, what could I ever run to. just tell me it's tearing you apart

jag befinner mig inte i skolan imorgon, har friendsmöte och god mat hela dan istället. pusss
on one hand i've got myself to blame, but on the other its always the same. follow suit shake your head, tell me thats its a lie.

superdag idag. eller hur s? twikiippikkiw
If I said I was sorry would you forget the things I've done, I don't know why I even worry. I don't believe in anyone, I am, I am a killing man.

close call, was it love or was it just easy

plugg, müsli och oth. c-c-ciao
h-h-heartbreak knockin' 'em down like the 7th grade